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Ditch Labs Announced As Finalist Of ACFAS Competition’s 6th Edition

Ditch Labs, Inc. becomes finalist of the renowned Génies en Affaires competition which will occur live on Facebook on March 29th, 2022. The event will include a 5-minute question period following an 80-second sales pitch and a vote from the public to choose the winners.

MONTREAL, QC/March, 2022 – Led by Research Director and Partner Christelle Luce, Co-Founder and CTO Olivier Bourbonnais, Pharmacologist Mehdi El Hassani, Researcher in Psychology Éric Hanigan, Financial Analyst Naïl Sousa Cordeiro and Medical Devices Consultant Jean-Pierre Desmarais, Ditch Labs, Inc. becomes finalist of the renowned Génies en affaires competition which will occur live on Facebook on March 29th, 2022. The event will include a 5-minute question period following an 80-second sales pitch and a vote from the public to choose the winners.

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